Caring for Your Brain and the Pros to Memory Care

The month of June nationally recognizes the importance of Alzheimer’s and the importance of brain awareness. Alzheimer’s, a progressive brain disorder, is one of the top brain diseases that affects people in their older ages. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 5.8 million Americans aged 65 and older were living with Alzheimer’s disease in 2020. This number is projected to nearly triple to 14 million by the year 2060.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease develop at a slow pace, so it may be difficult to detect a change in your loved one’s behavior. While there is no cure, there are ways to help your loved one manage their symptoms. One of these ways can be to look into specific, specialized memory care facilities. Not only will your loved one be surrounded with caregiving plans tailored to them, but you can be assured that they are in safe hands.

At Concordia Lutheran Ministries, we’re dedicated to serving our aging community with a continuum of high-quality caregiving options, including our memory care services. With Concordia’s specific memory care locations throughout western Pennsylvania in Fox Chapel, Baden and South Hills, there’s sure to be something for your loved one in need of memory care. Concordia’s personal care and assisted living facilities also typically have the capabilities to care for individuals with certain memory impairing ailments.

Related: Tips for Communicating With a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer’s

To ease your mind about the stress you may endure when a loved one is going through an Alzheimer’s or other brain disease diagnosis, here are some tips on how to care for your brain as well as some of the advantages of memory care.

Tips to care for your brain:

  1. Stay active: According to the Mayo Clinic, those who stay physically and mentally active are less likely to see a decline in their mental function, decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Recommended activities include taking a walk outside, reading a book and learning a new skill.
    Related: How Staying Fit can Possibly Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s
  2. Be mindful about the foods you’re consuming: Try to avoid foods with high sugar levels. Too much sugar can increase the chance of memory impairment. Try a Mediterranean diet – it’s known to improve cognition, memory and brain volume. Sticking to moderate amounts of or no alcohol consumption will improve brain health as well.
  3. Be sure to get plenty of sleep: Not only will this increase your energy, but it will also improve how your brain functions.
  4. Practice stress management: Try different stress management techniques, like breathing exercises, puzzles or taking a relaxing walk.
    Related: A Place For Mom – Memory Care Activities
  5. Prevent falls: Try joining a group exercise class that focuses on improving balance, or try some at-home exercises instead. Preventing falls will help lessen the chance of any further brain damage/injury.

The Pros to Memory Care

If you have a loved one experiencing advanced cognitive memory loss that has affected their day-to-day life, your family may benefit from memory care. Having your loved one with trained caregivers and professionals will not only allow you to have peace of mind knowing that they are in safe hands, but they will also still be able to maintain a level of independence. With specialized programs that can be personalized to your senior loved one’s needs, they will be able to engage in activities to strengthen their memory and brain skills.

According to Chris Gebhart, Activity Director and Volunteer Coordinator for Concordia at Villa St. Joseph, memory care provides residents with:

  • Set routines
  • Nutritional meals
  • Engaging activities
  • Personalized nursing care

“No two people are the same, no disease process seems to be the same and what works and benefits one resident may not necessarily work for another,” Gebhart said. “Having a safe, secure environment for those with memory impairment is definitely a comfort for family members who need to find a balanced care model for their loved one.”

Related: The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease: What to Expect and How Memory Care Can Help

With the many specialized memory care services we offer throughout the organization, families can rest assured that their loved ones are not only safe, but thriving as well. Be sure to visit our care levels page to find a memory care location near you and to start your memory/brain care journey today!   

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