Assisted Living

Inpatient care where residents receive professional assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and personal hygiene, mobility assistance, wound care, preparation of special nutritional meals or diets, housekeeping, activities, laundry, spiritual care, and more.

What You Can Expect

All of the facilities at our assisted living locations feature professionally decorated rooms that can be furnished with personal items, dining rooms to enjoy the home-style meals and several lounge areas for daily activities.
Concordia has an outstanding assisted living staff that undergoes a rigorous screening process, receives ongoing training and is dedicated to each person’s well-being. We provide 24-hour nursing support and supervision as well as physician services.

Two woman laughing

Services and Amenities

All of our assisted living locations are unique and offer slightly different services and amenities. Visit the links to the individual Concordia Assisted Living locations for more specific information and please call any of our locations today to arrange for a personal tour. Many of our standard services and amenities include:

Bathing and personal hygiene

Mobility assistance

Assistance with medical care and medication

Scheduling of medical appointments and transportation

Three chef-inspired meals daily, including the preparation of special nutritional requirements or diets

A full calendar of activities, special events and outings

Activity rooms

Barber/beauty shop

Library and lounge

Housekeeping and laundry services

Wellness and exercise programs

Routine indoor and outdoor maintenance

Paid utilities (except telephone)

Secure facilities

Emergency response system

Chapel services, Bible studies, hymn sings

And much more

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There is always a LOT happening at Concordia! Would you like to stay up-to-date with our news and events? Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter here.

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Whether you are with us for a short stay or a long period of time, when you're at any of Concordia's facilities, you're treated like family. Click to view the locations for more information.


Schedule A Visit

For more information about our services or to schedule a personal tour, you can contact us directly below.


Assisted Living Locations

Concordia at Sumner

970 Sumner Pkwy
Copley, OH 44321


Concordia Village of Tampa

4100 E. Fletcher Avenue
Tampa, FL 33613

813-977-4950 or 1-800-272-5669