Concordia Lutheran Ministries Presents The Korim “Good Citizen” Essay Contest and Scholarship

The rules

  • Award amount:
    • One (1) $10,000 scholarship payable over two years.
  • Who is eligible:
    • A graduating high school senior with intent to enter an undergraduate institution who has demonstrated creativity in shaping his or her citizenship and volunteer activities.
    • Graduating high school seniors from the following institutions:
  • Deadline to apply: May 1, 2025
  • How to apply:
    • Online
      • Via the application form at the bottom of this page.
      • The application will be automatically submitted.
    • Paper
      • Application forms also are available at the above school’s guidance counselor offices or by contacting (724) 352-1571 ext. 8363 or
      • Fill out and send the form
        1. Preferred: E-mail to
        2. Mail it to the CLM Foundation, 134 Marwood Road, Cabot, PA 16023

Before the form

Before you fill out the form below, you’ll want to prepare three documents.

  1. A copy of your high school transcript
  2. The acceptance letter from the college, technical/trade school or hospital program you will be attending.
  3. The essay (See below for instructions.)

The essay

Please describe how you have made an impact on your community and how you will continue to do so after your education is complete. Please also describe how your education will directly contribute to your ability to affect these goals.

Please focus upon the answers to the following questions to assist you in your writing:

  • What volunteer/extracurricular activities do you participate in?
  • How do your community service activities relate to your major and what leadership roles have you taken on?
  • What are your career/academic goals upon graduation?
  • How will you remain involved in your community upon graduation?

You may also include any additional information that you feel will be helpful in choosing you as a recipient of the “Good Citizen” Essay Contest.

Please read the following guidelines to use when writing your essay. These guidelines were created so that the reading of essays can be done as efficiently as possible and failure to follow these guidelines could mean that you will not be considered for the “Good Citizen” Scholarship.

  • Limit essay to two (2) double-spaced pages.
  • You must have 1-inch margins (left, right, top & bottom).
  • Use a font that is easily readable and the font must be set no smaller than 11.


Scholarship: The Korim “Good Citizen” Essay Contest

Step 1 of 4

Student Applicant Information

Current Address(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Additional Information About Student