Video: What is CVN’s Spiritual Care Program?

At Concordia, we say “We put our Faith in Caring,” so to us, providing compassionate care is more than just a job, it’s an important part of our mission. The heart of Concordia’s mission is that spiritual wellbeing is the center of healthy living and enables holistic integration of our inner resources.

Concordia Visiting Nurses is committed to giving support spiritually, emotionally and psychologically to those in need as they move through their illness. Often, when people are diagnosed with an illness and are getting ready to be discharged from the hospital, they look for healing of the soul and spirit.

At times like this, people need support in talking about their situation. Some people have been away from their home place of worship and their current situation may require them to seek a meaning to their life. People may capture their spiritual roots which can help them find hope and meaning as they struggle in response to their illness. Our hope is that they can begin inner healing by the way they look at their illness and the way they engage their own inner resources through faith.

For these reasons and more, Concordia Visiting Nurses has a Spiritual Care program.

We strive to assist people to develop a positive attitude through faith. Faith calls their whole being in harmony with their treatment by doctors and our nurses and therapists. Positive attitudes flow from personal spirituality that frequently is not addressed until the time of illness. That’s where our program can help.

Services for All Faiths

Spiritual care is offered to clients and families, residents and employees throughout the Concordia continuum of care. Qualified Chaplains provide nondenominational care and respond to needs through consultation, scripture and prayer. They minister as part of an inter-disciplinary team offering a complete approach to home health care.

Concordia Visiting Nurses is a Christian organization. While our work is centered in the confession that Christ is Lord, we provide services for people of all religions and denominations. We will, to the best of our ability, assure that each person’s denominational or religious preference is met by contacting and cooperating with local clergy as requested.

Professional Development

Concordia Lutheran Ministries promotes excellence in its spiritual care ministry by utilizing our professionally trained chaplaincy team. Our team is willing to talk about spiritual issues but won’t force them. Our Spiritual Care team ministers by listening, supporting, encouraging, praying, being dependable and trustworthy and maintaining confidentiality in their caregiving.

Why Spiritual Care?

There is a dimension of healing that goes beyond physical care. Spiritual care can address the emotional and religious needs of individuals regardless of their faith. There are many reasons clients and/or families may have a need for spiritual care.

• They may feel down or emotionally upset.

• They may need help coping with a crisis such as the death of a loved one, diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, or other traumatic experience.

• Preparing for admission to a nursing home.

• Critical or terminal illness.

• A desire to see a clergy person, but not sure who to call.

• Someone to listen to their hopes, uncertainties, or fears.

• Client or family expresses the need for inner healing, to find meaning in life, to have someone to pray with, to talk about religious concerns or a variety of other topics.

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about Concordia Visiting Nurses Spiritual Care services, please call one of our representatives at (724) 352-6200 or visit us at

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