People in the United States live a lot longer than they once did, but that doesn’t always mean that they age gracefully. Happy and healthy aging is very possible and even likely, especially if you follow these steps. As always, consult with your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.
1. Stay Active
One of the keys to staying healthy at any age is staying active. You should be getting at least 10 minutes of exercise every day, although any physical activity is good if you don’t currently exercise regularly. Rigorous workouts such as lifting weights or jogging might be harder on older joints and bones, but that doesn’t rule out low-impact exercises such as biking, swimming or yoga. Many senior retirement communities have gyms and exercise programs available to residents, so check them out and see what works for you. Remember to consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise programs.
2. Eat a Healthy Diet
Like regular exercise, eating a healthy diet is important for people of any age, but it is especially crucial for older adults. As people age, their digestive tract becomes more rigid and doesn’t contract as easily as it once did. This can lead to a lot of problems such as constipation and stomach pain, so it’s important to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and other foods that are high in fiber and nutrients.
3. Maintain Your Brain
Dementia is not exactly a side effect of aging, but it is a common enough problem among the elderly that it should be addressed. Many nonprofit senior care and affordable senior living providers offer activities and treatments to help prevent this from happening, but ultimately you need to take care of yourself to make sure you stay sharp mentally. This is really a matter of staying busy and finding things to occupy your mind. Find hobbies, complete puzzles, socialize with others in senior retirement communities and do everything you can to stay sharp mentally.
4. See Your Doctor Regularly
The last yet arguably most important step to healthy aging is to see your doctor regularly. Growing old doesn’t have to mean facing countless health issues, but regular visits to your doctor will definitely go a long way towards keeping you healthy. You don’t have to contact your primary physician about all of your small aches or pains, but you should never be afraid to contact someone if you’re concerned about your health for any reason. Staying healthy is ultimately your own responsibility, but identifying any health issues you may have before they become life-threatening or debilitating is definitely important.
Above all else, the key to happy and healthy aging is to be proactive during your life. There are plenty of chances to be involved in senior retirement communities and to engage in hobbies no matter how old you may be. You should never let your age – or what society says about the elderly – stop you from living your life.
Join the thousands of seniors who are making the most out of their retirements and enjoying each day by moving into the senior living communities from Concordia Lutheran Ministries. At Concordia, our nonprofit senior care services provide you with the highest quality of care and courtesy to help you live your life to the fullest. Contact a Concordia location in your area today to schedule a tour of our senior living communities, and discover for yourself how we can improve your quality of life.
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